Saturday, November 5, 2011

Project Destiny overview

Destiny will launch on a stack similar to that of the space shuttle. once in orbit it will dock to the international space station to load up on supplies, food and fuel. from there destiny will undock and fire her engines to leave earths orbit and start a trajectory to mars. once in martian orbit destiny will deorbit, enter the martian atmosphere and land on a pre setup runway, her wing tips will swivel down and act as landing gear. this is due to the fact that martian soil would destroy tires. after the mission duration on the martian surface is over destiny will fire her engines takeoff like a plane from the martian surface and enter martian orbit. from there she will leave martian orbit and start a trajectory for earth. once in earths orbit she will de-orbit and re enter earths atmosphere. after reentry she will land like the space shuttle the main diffrence being that the wingtip skids will again act as the landing gear. from there the crew will recieve a hero's welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I can be the First Astronaut to Mars.
